Frequently Asked Questions

The place for all your queries, concerns and more.

TwoBe works differently from the swipe and hope model that is prevalent in the dating app territory. We take the time to really understand you and match you with the best suited partner. Here is a look at our most frequently asked questions. Should you have anything specific, you can email us at

Profiles and Matches

What should my profile look like?

Your profile is generated during the sign-up process where you answer questions about yourself and what you are looking for in a partner. Videos are the crux of TwoBe profiles, so anyone viewing it will see your true, authentic self, not a photograph you took at the beach a few years ago.

While we embrace authenticity, your profile still must be appropriate for public consumption; TwoBe is not a place for broadcasting explicit content, violence or hate speech.

I am not comfortable with videos, why can’t I use a static picture?

TwoBe functions on video-based profiles, and our matching algorithm depends on certain traits from your video assessment to facilitate the matches. Static profiles are also very limited in how much they will tell you about your match, whereas profiles on TwoBe are designed to be more authentic, open and dynamic.

How do matches work on TwoBe?

TwoBe works based on a combination of video/audio profiles along with personality, behaviour and user analysis. The app collects relevant information and along with personality preferences and a video assessment, the algorithm pairs you with five matches that best suit you.

What if I don’t like my match?

No pressure – if you realise this match is not the one for you, you can unmatch with them from their profile.
About TwoBe

What is TwoBe?

TwoBe is a new dating service that is reliant on video, personality and user assessments to create a live profile that is true to yourself. With TwoBe, we aim to encourage long-term relationships and sincerity that can sometimes be blurred on an online forum.

How does the video assessment work?

During your profile creation, you will be asked to record your public profile video. Our technology will analyse your video based on your voice, body language and other factors to find you someone that fits you best.

How are my matches generated?

Through your user profile and personality preferences, TwoBe’s AI technology compares you to other profiles in the system and generates the best five matches for you.

Privacy and Safety

What can I do if my match makes me feel uncomfortable?

You will have the option to unmatch with these people if you find that they are not the right one for you. We value your safety and concerns, so if your match is behaving inappropriately, you will have the option to report them to us. 

I am concerned about who will be able to see my public video.

Your public profile video will only be limited to the people you are matched with. To protect your privacy, the size of the video on the screen will be displayed in a small format. 

I have matched with someone. But can I trust them?

Our technology does its best to weed out people that are not on TwoBe for legitimate or sincere reasons. Refer to our Safety Tips on how you can proceed when you are matched with someone and are getting to know them.


© TwoBe 2021, All Rights Reserved
© TwoBe 2021, All Rights Reserved